New Cherwell Local Plan approved for final consultation

Residents will soon be asked to have their say on a vision for sustainable development in north Oxfordshire.

Published: Thursday, 5th December 2024

Councillor David Hingley, Leader of the Council and Councillor Jean Conway, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Development Management in the council chamber

At a meeting on Thursday, 5 December, Cherwell District Council’s executive approved the Proposed Cherwell Local Plan 2042 for consultation. When finalised, the Plan will help ensure that new homes, places of work and infrastructure are built in the right places.

The consultation is expected to be the last opportunity for people to make comments before the council decides whether to submit the Plan for its independent examination. The examination will focus on whether the Plan contributes to the achievement of sustainable development and if it has been prepared appropriately. 

Councillor Jean Conway, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Development Management, said: “The new Local Plan will help the district accommodate development in the most sustainable locations while protecting the landscape and heritage assets, promoting nature recovery, and helping us achieve our climate action targets.

“This is the final consultation stage before we submit it to government for examination. During last year's consultation, the council heard a range of views on the Plan’s strategy, sites, and infrastructure requirements, as well as on protecting the environment and retaining important gaps between towns and villages.

“The district already has a significant pipeline of development, which has given us a head start with this new Local Plan. It provides for 3,185 additional homes by 2042 and includes new landscape designations and important policies for town centre renewal, sustainable construction, and renewable energy.”

Preparation of the Plan follows three formal public consultations in 2020, 2021 and 2023. This further consultation will begin in December and run for eight rather than the usual six weeks. Residents and other interested parties will be available to view the Plan on the council’s website and at public locations around the district.

The council will publicise the consultation and supporting exhibitions on its website and social media in the coming weeks.

Representations received by the council in response to the consultation will be sent to a government-appointed planning inspector when the Plan is independently examined.

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