Two Cherwell primary schools have been announced as winners of a district wide competition to design a vehicle panel to celebrate local recycling.
Published: Friday, 11th August 2023
In February, Cherwell District Council launched a competition for local primary school children to design a panel for two of its refuse vehicles. Pupils were asked to put their creative ideas onto paper to help the council celebrate the upcoming 20-year anniversary of its kerbside recycling service.
Being given the theme of ‘let’s celebrate recycling’, children were invited to enter designs as individuals, pairs, groups or classes. Over 100 designs were submitted to the judging panel and following a long deliberation, four final and two winning designs were selected.
Commended final designs were submitted by Doctor South’s Primary School, Edward Feild Primary School, St Edburg’s CE Primary School and Dashwood Banbury Academy.
The two winning designs were submitted by Southwold Primary School and Christopher Rawlins School.
Councillor Andrew McHugh, Portfolio Holder for Cleaner and Greener Communities, said: “We were thrilled to receive a high number of entries for this competition and absolutely enjoyed looking through the brilliant designs that were submitted. Our younger residents in the district have a clear passion for environmental sustainability, a key commitment for Cherwell District Council.
“It was a pleasure to see how the continued and innovative work our waste and recycling team has been carrying out since kerbside recycling was introduced has inspired our school children to become so invested in reducing, reusing and recycling.”
August 18 marks the 20-year anniversary of kerbside recycling in Cherwell and as part of the celebrations, local schools and pupils were invited to design a new panel that will feature on one of the council’s waste collection vehicles.
The winning designs will be transformed into panel designs and fitted onto the vehicles over the summer and will be unveiled in an official ceremony in the early autumn.
Christopher Rawlins CE Primary School

Southwold Primary School