We have demonstrated sound financial management in a challenging economic climate.
Published: Tuesday, 4th July 2023

Our Executive noted a report on Monday (3 July) highlighting that because of prudence, resourcefulness and fiscal responsibility, we had come in on budget for 2022/23 (a £0.001m underspend) and maintained essential resident services.
As well as balancing the books through shrewd financial planning, we achieved 32 of our 33 performance goals for the year, representing a 12% improvement compared to 2021/22.
The one goal narrowly missed was also a positive compared to the national picture. The percentage of waste recycled and composted in the district was 53.1% against the 56% target. This is 9% more than the 44% average for England.
Councillor Adam Nell, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance, expressed pride in the council's achievement: "We have been unwavering in our commitment to fiscal responsibility and prioritising the needs of our communities.
“Coming in on budget and contributing to reserves during these challenging economic times is a testament to our forward-thinking approach, hard work and dedication. We remain steadfast in our commitment to delivering exceptional services, fostering growth, and building a brighter future for our residents."
The Performance, Risk and Finance Monitoring Report end of year 2022/23 report presented at our Executive meeting is available to view: website.