Local Plan Part 1 Partial Review - Examination

Submission Plan as Proposed to be Modified

Consultation on the Proposed Main Modifications to the Partial Review of the adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 closed on Friday 20 December 2019.  The  representations  are available below.
Representations to the Main Modifications consultation

The Main Modifications with all the supporting documents relevant to their preparation were submitted to the Inspector on Tuesday 25 February 2020 following approval at Special Executive and Full Council meetings on Monday 24 February 2020.

CDC letter to Inspector – Main Modifications Submission February 2020

The submission documents comprise the following:

•    PR104 Cherwell Green Belt Study 2nd Addendum (September 2019)
•    PR105 Cherwell Water Cycle Study Addendum (September 2019)
•    PR106 Ecological Advice Cumulative Impacts Addendum (September 2019)
•    PR107 Habitat Regulations Assessment Stage 1 and Stage 2 Addendum (September 2019)
•    PR108 Landscape Analysis for PR09 (September 2019)
•    PR109 Transport Assessment Addendum (September 2019)
•    PR110 Site Capacity Sense Check (September 2019)
•    PR111 Local Plan Viability Assessment Addendum (September 2019)
•    PR112 Site Policy PR7b Stratfield Farm - Highways update (September 2019)
•    PR113a Sustainability Appraisal Addendum - Non-Technical Summary (September 2019)
•    PR113b Sustainability Appraisal Addendum (September 2019)
•    PR114 Statement of Consultation Addendum (November 2019)
•    PR115 Duty to Cooperate Addendum (September 2019)
•    PR116 Developer Submission PR6a
•    PR117 Developer Submission PR6b
•    PR118 Developer Submission PR6c
•    PR119 Developer Submission PR7a
•    PR120 Developer Submission PR7b
•    PR121a Developer Submission PR8 - Newcore Capital Management
•    PR121b Developer Submission PR8 - Smith & Smith
•    PR121c Developer Submission PR8 - The Tripartite
•    PR122 Developer Submission PR9
•    PR123 Developer Submission PR10
•    PR124 Additional information on the significance of trees
•    PR125 Equality Impact Assessment (September 2019)
•    PR126 Local Development Scheme (March 2020)
•    Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications (November 2019)
•    Schedule of Proposed Minor Modifications (November 2019)
•    Explanatory Note (November 2019)
•    Representations to the Partial Review Main Modifications Consultation (November - December 2019)
•    Addendum to the Statement of Consultation (February 2020)
•    Inspector’s Post Hearing Advice Note (July 2019)
•    Oxford’s Local Plan - Inspectors' Interim Conclusions (January 2020)
•    Equality Impact Assessment (February 2020)
•    Council Report to Special Executive 24 February 2020 
•    Council Report to Council 24 February 2020