Non-Statutory Cherwell Local Plan 2011 (December 2004)
The Non-Statutory Cherwell Local Plan 2011 was intended to review and update the Local Plan adopted in 1996. Due to changes to the planning system introduced by the Government, work on this plan was discontinued prior to adoption. The Non-Statutory Cherwell Local Plan 2011 is not part of the statutory development plan but was approved as interim planning policy for development control purposes in December 2004. The Adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 (Part 1) includes policies that supersede some of those within the Non-Statutory Local Plan.
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The Non-Statutory Cherwell Local Plan 2011 Written Statement
The Non-Statutory Cherwell Local Plan 2011 Proposals Map
The Non-Statutory Cherwell Local Plan 2011 Inset Maps 1 to 57