Contact Housing Duty Team

Getting in touch

If you are worried about losing your home or feel that you may become homeless, contact our Duty Team as soon as possible on 01295 753751 (homeless tonight or imminent threat of homelessness) or email us at (if threatened with homelessness within 56 days).

We are based at 39 Castle Quay, Banbury OX16 5FD.  Our opening hours are Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:15pm. Most members of staff are working remotely, so please contact by phone or email. Please note, our duty desk closes at 4:30pm each day for in-person homeless presentations.

If you require emergency assistance due to being homeless on the night outside of office hours you will need to call our Emergency Out of Hours service on 01295 221531.

We are here to help

We will talk about your current situation and what we might be able to do, and what you can do to help yourself. We can also invite you for a full housing assessment.

If we think you are at risk of becoming homeless, we will have a duty to try and prevent this from happening.

If you are already homeless we will have a duty to work with you to help you resolve your situation. In some circumstances we may have a duty to provide temporary housing whilst we work with you. This may apply if you have children, health problems or other vulnerabilities.

If we can't prevent or relieve your homeless we will then go on to assess what further duties we have to help you.