Temporary accommodation
We provide temporary accommodation to relieve a crisis situation for people who are:
- Homeless
- Eligible for assistance
- In priority need
Accommodation will be sourced on the day it is required.. We will try to offer you the most suitable accommodation available within the district. Bed and breakfast style accommodation is sometimes used and this can be outside the local area.
This is accommodation is only for a short period and is not the same as a permanent home. If you’re in emergency accommodation, you will be moved to something more suitable as soon as possible. If you refuse or lose temporary accommodation it is unlikely you will be offered anything else.
Your permanent home could be a privately rented tenancy, social housing or supported accommodation. The waiting time will depend on the needs of the household and what becomes available.
You will receive only one suitable offer. If you refuse this, our duty to provide you accommodation will end and you will be disqualified from the Housing Register for 6 months.
What to expect and questions answered
What is temporary accommodation and why have I been placed in it?
You have been placed in temporary accommodation as you have requested the assistance of the Council due to being in housing crisis. The Council, in doing so, has made a judgement that you are
- Homeless
- Eligible for assistance
- In priority need
What temporary accommodation is provided by the Council?
The Council provides a mix of houses and flats that are a variety of sizes and in different locations. The largest number of units are in Banbury.
When the demand exceeds supply of these units or other supported or temporary accommodation offers are not suitable, such as refuge accommodation, hotels are used.
Where am I likely to be placed?
The Council will endeavour to house you in temporary accommodation within the Cherwell district area, or will make attempts to move you back to the district if this is not possible at the time of placement or at any point during the temporary accommodation stay.
For the reasons of safety or a support need or requirement, the Council may seek accommodation outside of the Cherwell district.
Will I be asked to move whilst I am in temporary accommodation?
We try to keep moves to a minimum and you will not be moved without good reason. Most common reason for moving within temporary accommodation is due to a self contained unit of accommodation becoming available when a household is within a hotel. These units are considered more suitable for longer term accommodation.
You will need to sign a new licence agreement and make new housing benefit claims, where applicable, when you move.
The government stipulates that households with children should not be in hotel type accommodation, which has limited facilities, for longer than 6 weeks. The Council endeavours to follow government guidance when managing temporary accommodation and dealing with homeless households.
Do I have to pay for temporary accommodation?
If you are eligible, housing benefit can contribute towards the cost of temporary accommodation. Council staff will advise you further in relation to your individual circumstances and how much you need to pay.
Each household needs to pay £20 service charge per week, regardless of your accommodation type you are provided with.
Am I allowed to keep my pet?
In the vast majority of cases and accommodation offers, pets are not allowed in temporary accommodation.
Different rules apply to assistance animals, as they are not pets.
What is provided whilst I am in temporary accommodation?
We will provide you with accommodation only.
No food or additional support is routinely provided. In cases of severe hardship, some emergency food provisions can be provided whilst other assistance is found.
Some accommodation does come with some basic facilities, such as white goods and beds. The Council will advise and signpost on the support available should you have limited access to furnishings.
When you are in hotel accommodation, bringing significant amount of your own items into the room will be prohibited. The Council can advise on storage options should you need them.
We understand that food preparation and access to laundry facilities can be difficult when in hotel accommodation. The Council will advise and signpost on the support available during this challenging period and endeavour to move you to self-contained accommodation as quickly as possible.
Can I have visitors?
Visitors are generally prohibited from visiting you whilst you are in temporary accommodation.
Do I have to stay in the accommodation all the time?
Yes. You need to occupy the accommodation as you have advised us that you are homeless. If you do not occupy the accommodation, we may end our duties towards you.
If you have a legitimate reason for not occupying the accommodation, such as a stay in hospital, please inform the Council.
What about transport?
The Council does not routinely provide provisions for transporting households to appointments or to and from accommodation.
What if something needs repairing or I have a problem within my accommodation?
You should speak to the team about any issues or concerns that you have, specifically our Housing Officer looking after temporary accommodation or your Housing Options Officer. The best way to contact us, unless it is urgent, is by e-mail on temporary.accommodation@cherwell-dc.gov.uk
Some accommodation is managed by other landlords or providers. These units have different reporting arrangements for issues like repairs. The reporting arrangements will be made clear to you when you move in.
How long will I be here?
It is very difficult to estimate how long you will be in temporary accommodation. It depends on whether a homelessness duty is owed to you and your accommodation requirements. The demand for social housing is high.
We encourage you to work with your Housing Options Officer and to your Personal Housing Plan, which could include continuing to seek private rented accommodation.