Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024-2029

Action Plan: Action 4 aims and objectives

Improve access to quality and affordable accommodation across all sectors for homeless households

Aim 1

Improve access to Private Sector accommodation to meet the needs of those homeless or at risk


  • Work with the private sector to deliver more options to prevent and relieve homelessness.
  • Consider if working collaboratively with other districts across Oxfordshire could encourage more private landlords to work with the Local Authority.


  • Review current incentives and offers to private landlords and consider how effective these are in creating tenancies.
  • Undertake a review of offers to Private Landlords across the county, looking at resources and value for money.
  • Understand the views of Private Landlords and what they would need to work with the Local Authority.
  • Ensure that information on the support available to secure private rented, in Cherwell or further afield is widely known and easy to access.


  • Housing Options Team Leader
  • Housing Management Team Leader 
  • Tenancy Relations Officer

Success measure or outcome:

  • More households have homeless prevented or relieved by and offer in the private sector in our reported figures.

Implementation timescale:

  • Year 1

Aim 2

Deliver more units of accommodation for Housing First


  • Provide suitable homes to meet the needs of clients requiring Housing First Accommodation.
  • Create more capacity in the social housing stock to deliver Housing First.


  • Engage Registered Providers to reduce age restrictions and create more properties for general needs applicants and encourage Registered Providers to support the delivery of units for Housing First.
  • Ensure that developers and planners understand the type and location of property needed so that delivery meets demand.
  • Delivery is monitored via the Housing Strategy Team and discussed at Registered Providers review meetings.


  • Housing Team Leader
  • Head of Housing

Success measure or outcome:

  • An increase in the delivery of Housing First units, which has shown to be an effective way in bridging the gap between rough sleeping or repeat homelessness and sustaining tenancies effectively.

Implementation timescale:

  • Year 3

Aim  3

Deliver quality and affordable homes


  • Engage with the planning team to influence development to meet identified needs.
  • Promote the delivery of Social Rented accommodation.
  • Support the delivery of homes meeting the highest standards with regards energy efficiency.
  • Explore opportunities to repurpose underused buildings to assist with homeless pressures


  • Establish protocols for input on development sites and planning applications to consider the needs of those in housing need in the district.
  • Promote the objectives of the Tenancy Strategy, Allocations Scheme and Nominations agreement with Registered Providers in achieving more rented homes, particularly at social rent.
  • Review Council assets and work with key partners to discuss potential assets that may be underused and could be considered for disposal or repurpose.


  • Strategic Housing Team Leader
  • Head of Housing

Success measure or outcome:

  • More property at Social Rent is delivered in Cherwell

Implementation timescale:

  • Year 3