Flooding and land drainage

Flood Toolkit

Flooding can happen at any time and sometimes with little warning. Therefore preparation is key to making sure you, your family and your friends are safe, as well as reducing the damage to your home and treasured belongings. 

Oxfordshire County Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority for Oxfordshire. You can find flooding advice and guidance by visiting the Oxfordshire Flood Toolkit website

Our Service

Sections 23 to 25 of the 1991 Land Drainage Act empower the Council to take action where avoidable flood risk is occurring, for example where a watercourse has become or is becoming blocked. The Act provides the Council with powers to undertake works to Ordinary Watercourses, to consent others intending to do works, to require riparian owners to do work deemed to be necessary and to serve Enforcement Notices in the last resort. We expect all riparian owners to act responsibly.

In providing this service Cherwell works closely with its partners, notably Oxfordshire County Council as both the Highway Authority and the Lead Local Flood Authority, and the Environment Agency.  The purpose of our service is to provide proactive and reactive advice on flood risk management and reduction, and to assist the Lead Local Flood Authority in the discharge of its responsibilities.  It includes commenting on planning applications where flood risk might be a relevant matter and we assist neighbourhood Flood Action Groups to deliver their plans.

We provide advice to riparian owners to maintain the watercourses under their responsibility when this is needed.  We also discharge the Council’s power to consider and where appropriate issue consents for applications made under the Land Drainage Act for works on Ordinary Watercourses. We do not offer an emergency service in times of impending or actual flooding.

In an emergency visit Oxfordshire Toolkit - Help I'm flooding webpage.

Email: land.drainage@cherwell-dc.gov.uk

Sandbags during a flood

We do not provide sandbags to residents and businesses during a flood.

We prioritise a limited stock of sandbags for:

  • working with emergency services
  • keeping priority roads open
  • protecting services such as hospitals, care homes and schools
  • supporting recognised flood groups

If you live in a flood risk area, find out how to prepare for flooding.

Environment Agency

If the Environment Agency issues a flood alert this indicates that an area should prepare, including making defences and staying up to date with the latest information. When a flood warning is issued, this indicates a greater level of severity.

Check for flooding in Oxfordshire

Levels on individual rivers, streams and brooks in Oxfordshire can be monitored via the Environment Agency’s website.  Type in the name of a watercourse or a town/area and you will be able to see the water levels.

The Environment Agency issues a daily bulletin on flood risk in each part of the England and Wales. View current flood alerts and flood warnings, and the five-day flood risk for Oxfordshire.  i

Weather forecasts

The Met Office issues weather warnings when severe weather is expected. These give an indication of problematic weather that may be on its way to Oxfordshire and could further influence river levels.

The Met Office rainfall radar gives an up-to-date picture of weather as it currently stands in Oxfordshire and surrounding areas.

How you can help and stay safe

  • Look after yourself and others in flooded areas. Slow down on roads that have been affected by flooding - bow-waves caused by driving too fast can affect people's homes and damage your own vehicle.
  • River paths and canal towpaths may be closed or partially flooded so take care.
  • Check on elderly or vulnerable family members to ensure they are safe and well.
  • Sign up for the Environment Agency's Flood Alerts, especially if you live in an area you know to be at risk of flood.
  • Read about the Met Office's "Weather Ready" campaign.
  • Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks list power outages at any one moment.  You can zoom in and out of the map on this page or search by postcode.

Flood Recovery

Residents and businesses who are experiencing flooding should contact their insurers (or Landlord in the case of rented accommodation) in the first instance so that appropriate advice and support is sought to ensure claims can be properly made.

Further advice and a step by step guide to flood recovery can be found using the Oxfordshire Flood Toolkit 

We may be able to assist with removal of bulky items, please visit our bulky waste pages for further information. 

Alternatively, you can use one of the Oxfordshire County Council Household Recycling Centres to dispose of many of the things you don’t want. 

You can also use a private contractor, but always make sure you choose a reputable company that will legally dispose of your items. Rogue traders often promote their services after flood events. Make sure to get a written quote on letter-headed paper with a landline number and address before entering into any agreement. Check they are registered with the Government Buy With Confidence scheme.