Planning and noise guidance

Other developments

Developers and applicants must provide information on the following matters relevant to each of the planning class order:

  • A1 and A2
    Noise, opening hours (including deliveries and servicing), odour, fume and externally mounted plant. Refuse storage and removal.
  • A3, C1, C2, D1 and D2
    Noise from the premises and patrons, amplified music or other entertainment, beer gardens, externally mounted plant. Cooking and other odours, waste storage and removal.
  • B1
    Noise from the building and process (including impact and vehicle noise), externally mounted plant. Fumes, vapours and odours. Hours of work including deliveries and servicing. 
  • B2
    As B1 assessment is likely to be more rigorous and may involve the Environment Agency and/or the Local Authority, determination will be required as to IPPC.
  • C3
    Noise assessment required in most cases. Possibly fume, odour, waste storage.

Any premises with a combustion appliance rated higher than 0.4 MW heat input is likely to require prior approval of chimney height under the Chimney Height Approval Regulations.

Apply for chimney height approval