Light pollution

Domestic security lights

Many cases of artificial light nuisance can be solved through simple engineering techniques and consideration of function and effect.

  • The minimum level of illumination necessary to light a property should be used. Excessive levels of illumination provide dark shadows for people, including those with criminal intent, to hide in or behind. Lighting that is shielded or angled down can actually improve rather than compromise security.
  • A separate switching detector can be used on some models to sense the movement of intruders on the property. Luminaires and detectors should be aimed to detect and light people on the property, not people or animals walking down the street.
  • Timers adjusted to the minimum can reduce the operation of the light.
  • Bulkhead or porch lights are cheaper than security lights, use less energy, and have reduced glare. Vegetation may help screen the light at certain times of year provided the movement of vegetation itself does not trigger light.

There are no objective levels at which artificial light does or does not constitute a statutory nuisance. Depending on the circumstances it might be reasonable to expect a complainant to use curtains or blinds if they are bothered by unwanted light in their home

With the right evidence we can take action - failure to comply with our notices can mean a fine of up to £5,000.

But before you report it to us:

  • Record the problem with an accurate note of times and dates of nuisance and photographs if you can
  • Speak to the light owner and see if you can reach a compromise

Report light pollution