Parish resources

Resources for parish clerks

Parish authorities are the most ‘grassroots’ level of local government.  We endeavour to make our services and information readily accessible to them.

Our departments are encouraged to maintain good working relationships with parish clerks and engage with them early around issues and initiatives that may be of interest to the parish.

This page has been developed to provide clerks with a single place to access Cherwell District Council and its services.  If you have suggestions for improvements or additions to this page, please contact us via

Parish Liaison meetings

Twice a year Cherwell members and officers hold a meeting for representatives of parish authorities. The purpose is to raise and discuss issues of mutual interest

The agenda is set according to current issues and suggestions from parishes. At the June meeting "drop-in surgeries" are held by officers and partner organisations covering a broad range of topics suggested by parishes.

Meeting notes and webcast

The last meeting was held on Wednesday, 12 June 2024.

Next meeting:

The date of the next meeting is a "virtual" meeting on Wednesday, 6 November 2024.

Parish resources