Framework delivery responsibilities
An underpinning principle of our Framework is that inclusion is everyone’s responsibility; we need a collective effort to realise our vision. The following sets out the roles and responsibilities for delivering the Including Everyone Framework:
- The Lead Councillor for equalities, diversity and inclusion sits on the Executive and champions inclusive practices and is held accountable for delivery of actions.
- Senior leaders set the tone and ambition for our inclusive values. They drive delivery of the action plan and wider inclusion agenda; including overseeing equalities reporting.
- Partners help us identify inequalities and provide feedback about ways in which we can improve. They work with us in tackling inequality in the community.
- Councillors on the Executive ensure services are planned and delivered inclusively. They set inclusive values for staff to champion within the organisation. All Councillors demonstrate inclusive behaviour.
- Staff Networks supported by staff and allies at all levels; networks promote inclusive behaviour, constructively challenge and act as a sounding board for inclusive decision making and developing the annual action plan.
- Our staff understand and demonstrate inclusive behaviour, they value diversity. Managers assess, plan and deliver inclusive services and actions (including reporting).
- Communities are shared places and spaces, where diversity and difference need to be embraced. Everyone in our communities has their role to play in shaping and delivering inclusion.
Monitoring and reporting process
The goals and commitments of our Including Everyone Framework are set every four years. Sitting beneath this Framework will be three annual action plans that reflect the different ways in which we are working to make our organisations, services and communities more inclusive. The action plans will have indicators to help us measure progress against our goals. Implementation will be overseen by the Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Member working group and reporting will align with quarterly business plan monitoring.
We will engage in the development of our action plans each year and will produce an annual report to outline our progress. We will seek feedback on how others see and experience our progress as part of the annual reporting process.
References and resources
- Oxfordshire Joint Strategy Needs Assessment
- ‘Some are more equal than others: hidden inequalities in a prospering Oxfordshire’ 2019/20 Director of Public Health Annual Report
- Equalities and Human Rights Commission
- Stonewall (LGBT+) specific information
- My Life, My Choice
- Age UK Oxfordshire
- Oxfordshire Youth
- Disability Rights UK
- Cenus 2021
- Including Everyone Framework - Action Plans