Health and safety at work concerns

Report a health and safely incident

How to report

Employers, the self-employed and those in control of premises in the Cherwell District area must report specified workplace incidents to us. We will will consider if further investigation is necessary.

The outcome of these enquiries usually involves the giving of advice to the employer, although if a blatant breach of regulation is identified as the main reason for an accident happening, then formal action may be considered.

Report an incident or concern

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)

The law requires certain work-related injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences to be reported to the enforcing authority for health and safety (this may be the local council or the Health and Safety Executive).

What needs to be reported?

  • Death or specified injuries to an employee or a self-employed person working on your premises.
  • Death or hospitalisation of a member of the public.

Must be reported without delay (usually by telephone) and followed up with a completed a RIDDOR form within ten days.

  • Over seven day injury to an employee or a self-employed person working on your premises.
  • Disease suffered by an employee that is related to work activities.
  • Dangerous occurrence that does not result in a reportable injury but which clearly could have done.

RIDDOR reporting forms

Private sector housing issues

Help with private sector housing issues, such as mould, gas or electrical safety etc, can be found on our Housing standards webpage, or by emailing