We own and manage less than five per cent of the 59,000 hectares of land that makes up the district. Funding organisations and projects that can influence the sympathetic management of priority habitats and species are key to the delivery of our Corporate Biodiversity Plan. Find out more in our 2016-17 progress reports
The following five organisations receive annual funding from us:
Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre
- supplies up-to-date habitat, species and site data required as evidence for the Local Plan process and for the ecological assessment of planning applications.
Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust
- provides land management advice to Local Wildlife Site (LWS) owners and managers. LWS are sites of considerable conservation value or geological interest that are protected by planning policy.
leads on partnership work to maintain and improve the district’s Conservation Target Areas that are used as a focus for biodiversity enhancement.
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
- provides wetland habitat advice to landowners and managers within the Cherwell and Ray river valleys.
- delivers a programme of primary school and youth group visits about the importance of the natural environment.