
What are we doing?

We have prepared a new Local Plan for Cherwell District and would like your views before we submit it to the Secretary of State for independent examination.    

What is the role of a Local Plan?

A Local Plan is the statutory starting point for making planning decisions. It provides a vision and a policy framework for the future development of an area. It provides for new development to meet the needs of the district and establishes planning policies to guide that development such that it delivers the vision and meets national and local objectives.

How is the Local Plan Prepared?

A Local Plan is prepared by considering the economic, environmental and social context of the district and its development needs. We have national planning policy to comply with and national guidance to consider. We engage early in the process on the issues and options we need to examine and do this with the benefit of technical evidence.

We must consider strategic priorities that extend beyond the district’s boundaries and consider the wider context for the Plan. We cooperate with neighbouring authorities and partners and consult with infrastructure providers. We seek the input of our local communities and all those with an interest in the economic, social, and environmental wellbeing of the district.

What consultation has there been so far?

In preparing this local plan we have undertaken three public consultations:

Your comments submitted during each of these consultations have been taken into consideration in preparing the Plan.

What stage of preparation are we at now?

This is the opportunity to make comments on the proposed Plan before we submit it to the Government for independent examination.

In making your comments we would like you to consider whether the Plan is ‘sound’ and whether it complies with the necessary legal requirements for plan making.

Planning Aid England has produced a useful guide to making representations at this stage of the plan making process. 

All representations received will be submitted to the Secretary of State for consideration as part of the Local Plan examination. We do not make significant changes to the Plan after we have received your comments. Instead they are considered by the appointed Planning Inspector.

Respond to this current consultation