A happy healthy community - our goals

Goal 5: Everyone can connect with culture


Achieving this ambition would mean creative activities lead to improve personal health and wellbeing, as well as contributing to vibrant urban environments that boosts economic regeneration.


  • Community assets are recognised and protected.
  • Maintain strong partnerships with providers of cultural events and programmes, especially at The Mill Arts Centre and Banbury Museum.
  • Residents will have the opportunity to engage with local culture, including public art, in a way that promotes connection and a sense of belonging.

Suggested Measurements

  1. The Council and its partners will develop and deliver realistic plans for specific projects and actions and direct resources to recognise and protect its cultural assets.
  2. Through locally based trusted relationships and networks the providers of cultural events and programmes sector feels supported by CDC and can thrive.
  3. More residents engage with local culture and feel connected to its aims (Measured by an annual survey).