Implementing the Plan
Core Policy 87: Delivery and Contingency
9.1. This Plan, when finalised, will set out how the district will develop over the Plan period to 2040, identifying where homes, jobs, services and infrastructure will be delivered, and the types of distinctive and characterful places that the Plan would like to create.
9.2. Monitoring allows us to understand whether policies are working as intended. It enables decisions to be taken that are well-informed and based on an in-depth understanding of the effectiveness of policies based on evidence.
9.3. Monitoring the effectiveness of the Plan is critical in ensuring the successful delivery of the current Plan and to shape the development of any future development plan for the district.
9.4. Each year the Council must produce reports which assess the implementation of the Draft Cherwell Local Plan 2040 and the extent to which its strategic objectives and policies are being achieved.
9.5. The Sustainability Appraisal also plays an integral role in monitoring the likely significant environmental effects of Local Plan policies.
9.6. Following this consultation, we will prepare the proposed Plan – the ‘Regulation 19’ stage. A monitoring framework will then be prepared to monitor the effectiveness of the proposed Policies.
Core Policy 87: Delivery and Contingency
The Council will monitor progress towards the achievement of indicators and targets set out within the Monitoring Framework. The Annual Monitoring Report will be produced on at least an annual basis and will be used to establish whether the implementation of the Plan, either in part or as a whole, is being effectively actioned. Where there is evidence to suggest that policy-specific targets listed in the Monitoring Framework have not been met, contingency measures and actions listed in the Monitoring Framework will apply.
Contingency measures may include one or more of the following:
i. Seeking to accelerate delivery on other permitted or allocated sites;
ii. Seeking alternative sources of funding if a lack of infrastructure is delaying development or causing significant problems as a result of new development;
iii. Identifying alternative deliverable sites that are in general accordance with the Spatial Strategy of the Plan, and
iv. Undertaking a full or partial review of the Local Plan, if investigation indicates that its strategy, either in whole or in part, is no longer appropriate.
Question 65: Do you have any comments on these measures?