Chapter 3: Our strategy for development in Cherwell
Spatial Strategy
3.1. Our draft spatial strategy below encompasses what we are seeking to deliver to achieve our vision and objectives for Cherwell. It would be implemented through the area strategies and policies that follow.
- Minimise carbon emissions and achieve set net gains in biodiversity wherever possible in delivering new development;
- Raise design standards and improvements to the built environment to elevate the attractiveness of our towns and villages;
- Ensure that new development improves well-being wherever possible through design, accessibility, social interaction, the provision of amenities and facilities and opportunities for active travel and recreation;
- Encourage new development that improves opportunity for all and in particular provides access to housing to meet all needs.
- Deliver committed development and provide for some limited additional growth reflecting the topographical, landscape and rural character constraints of the town’s edge;
- Revitalise, appropriately repurpose and seek further investment in the town centre, continue to improve its built and ‘green’ environment and public realm and further develop the nighttime economy;
- Continue to support and strengthen the town’s economy and diversify its skill base;
- Encourage development proposals that will support education and help reduce deprivation;
- Seek strategic transport improvements to encourage active travel, reduce congestion and pollution, and reduce cross town traffic by motorised vehicles.
- Deliver committed development and be the focus for additional development reflecting the town’s on-going growth and transformation as a sustainable Garden Town and its regional and sub-regional location on the Oxford to Cambridge Corridor including and East-West Rail route;
- Continue to maximise the benefits of having key international and national destinations and economic activity to support further business investment;
- Support the continued improvement of the town’s centre, its facilities, its public realm and ‘green’ environment;
- Resolve transport connectivity and infrastructure challenges and encourage active travel.
- Strengthen Kidlington’s role as a Local Service Centre;
- Continue to support investment in key economic assets including the Village Centre, London-Oxford Airport, Begbroke Science Park and at Langford Lane;
- Improve the built and ‘green’ environment of Kidlington Village Centre;
- Ensure the successful implementation of the committed 4,400 homes to help Oxford’s housing needs so that the planned benefits for the communities of Kidlington, Gosford and Water Eaton, Begbroke and Yarnton are delivered.
Heyford Park
- Ensure the implementation of the committed growth at Heyford Park to fully establish the new settlement already planned;
- Provide for the future expansion of Heyford Park to meet future housing and infrastructure needs should highway capacity limitations be resolved.
Rural Areas
- Protect the identity and character of our villages and rural areas and avoid unplanned development in the open countryside;
- Provide for limited development to meet local community and business needs and help support the vitality of these more rural settlements and the viability of existing businesses and farms;
- Direct the development of new housing to the larger and more sustainable villages that offer a wider range of services and are more well-connected to our urban areas than the smaller villages;
- Maintain the designated Green Belt but consider a limited release at Kidlington to meet local housing needs if there are exceptional circumstances to do so;
- Protect the Cotswolds National Landscape (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty).
Question 6: Do you have any comments on our strategy?
Cherwell's Spatial Strategy Map
Key diagram: Cherwell's Spatial Strategy map
District Wide Policies (Themes 1 to 3)
Theme 1: Meeting the Challenge of Climate Change and Ensuring Sustainable Development
Theme 2: Maintaining and Developing a Sustainable Local Economy