Garden Town Project
We hold overall responsibility for the developments happening in Bicester. We work with developers to plan and deliver new housing developments, employment centres, the new town centre, including the new community building which houses the council's Bicester offices. We are also responsible for providing the new Sports Village which will provide leisure and sports facilities for the town.
Our partners
Bicester Town Council
Bicester Town Council is involved in many aspects of town life. Its councillors and Chief Officer represent the views of local residents about the developments happening in Bicester to other councillors and decision makers at district and county councils.
More about Bicester Town Council
Oxfordshire County Council (OCC)
As Bicester grows, the county council is responsible for the transport strategy for Bicester; planning and delivering a transport network in conjunction with other transport providers which will support Bicester's growth. They are also responsible for the new, state of the art library that built in the town centre, ensuring that there are enough school places for local children, and planning and providing other services to care for, support and keep people safe
Bicester Vision
Bicester Vision works with business and government to attract more businesses into Bicester, and supports existing businesses to grow and employ more local people.