Statement of Licensing Policy

Annex 1 - Delegation of functions

Delegation of functions

Matter to be dealt with Sub Committee or Panel Officers
Application for personal licence If a police objection is made If no objection is made
Application for personal licence with unspent convictions All cases n/a
Application for premises licence/club premises certificate If a relevant representation is made If no relevant representation is made
Application for provisional statement If a relevant representation is made If no relevant representation is made
Application to vary premises licence/club premises certificate If a relevant representation is made If no relevant representation is made
Application to vary designated premises supervisor If a police objection All other cases
Request to be removed as designated premises supervisor n/a All cases
Application for transfer of premises licence If a police objection All other cases
Application for interim Authorities If a police objection All other cases
Application to review premises licence/club premises certificate All cases n/a
Decision on whether complain is irrelevant, frivolous, vexatious etc n/a All cases
Decision to object when Local Authority is a consultee and not the relevant authority considering the application All cases n/a
Determination of a police objection to a temporary event notice All cases n/a