Mixed glass recycling

Mixed glass recycling?

Glass bottles in a container ready for recycling collection

We can collect mixed glass from various sized containers that have been specially designed for the safe storage and transfer of glass.

Bin sizes and price per lift 

Mixed glass recycling bins are available in the following sizes:

Bin size Height Width Depth Price per lift
01/04/2024 to 31/03/2025
Price per lift
01/04/2025 to 31/03/2026
240 Litre 1070 mm 570 mm 720 mm £6.00 £6.25
360 Litre 1115 mm 580 mm 870 mm £7.50 £7.75

Order your mixed glass recycling bin(s)

Order bin

What can go in your mixed glass recycling?

  • Brown, green and clear bottles
  • Milk bottles
  • Glass jars

What don’t we accept?

We can only accept household glass bottles, and not glass from building waste such as double glazed windows.

What happens to your mixed glass recycling?

Over 80 per cent of the glass that is collected in the UK is now used in recycling initiatives throughout the country. Primarily, the glass is used on the manufacture of new jars and bottles.