Christmas collection dates

Collection of real Christmas trees

Christmas tree recycling

We will be collecting real Christmas trees from Tuesday 7 January until and including Friday 17 January.  Any tree that is over 5ft tall must be cut in half.  Please note, Christmas trees will only be collected on your recycling week, therefore please only leave your tree next to your blue recycling bin on collection day.

Leave your tree outside in a place that's not obstructing the footpaths and we'll collect it for you on your recycling collection day (blue bin week).

If you're subscribed to the garden waste subscription service, you can chop it up and put it in your bin.


  • Please ensure that all decorations are removed from the trees before putting them out for collection.
  • Broken fairy lights and other small electrical items will be taken away by the crews if placed in a standard-size carrier bag and left on top of any bin on collection day.