COVID-19 Business Grants
As part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic central government set up several grant schemes for businesses which were distributed by local authorities. In the interest of transparency Cherwell District Council has published below the amounts received from central government, the amounts paid out to businesses within the district, and the amounts not distributed returned to central government. A breakdown is also provided for each grant scheme showing the names of the businesses and amounts paid.
Note that the company names in this summary are as provided by the applicant for the grant. For all grant applications the council completed appropriate cross checks with business rates information and other sources to ensure the eligibility of the applicant. Where a company name is not provided we have left this as N/A as the other information provided by the applicant constitutes personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and the release of this information would breach one of the data protection principles. Publication would breach the fairness principle as these individuals would not reasonably expect their personal data to be released.