Business Plan 2024-2025

Our Business Plan

Business plan priorities for 2024-2025

Housing that meets your needs

  • Support the delivery of affordable and green housing.
  • Ensure minimum standards in rented housing.
  • Work with partners supporting new ways to prevent homelessness.
  • Support our most vulnerable residents.
  • Prepare the Local Plan.

Supporting environmental sustainability

  • Work towards our commitment to be carbon net zero by 2030.
  • Promote the green economy.
  • Support waste reduction, reuse and recycling.
  • Work with partners to improve air quality.

An enterprising economy with strong and vibrant local centres

  • Support business retention and growth.
  • Work with partners to support skills development and innovation.
  • Work with others to support growth.
  • Work with partners to promote the district as a visitor destination and attract investment in our town centres.
  • Work with businesses to ensure compliance and promote best practice.

Healthy, resilient and engaged communities

  • Support and encourage active lifestyles and health and wellbeing.
  • Support development of leisure services and facilities meeting the needs of residents.
  • Support community and cultural development.
  • Work towards our commitment to equalities, diversity and inclusion.
  • Work with partners to address the causes of health inequality and deprivation.
  • Work with partners to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour.