Living in a Conservation Area

Additional planning controls exist within conservation areas which provide protection to boundary walls and larger trees and restrict Permitted Development rights. This is to ensure that any alterations do not detract from the appearance and historic significance of the area. When determining applications for development within conservation areas, the Council has a duty to assess the proposal against the need to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the area.

If you live in a conservation area you have to obtain permission before making changes which would normally be permitted elsewhere. This includes:

  • Demolition of buildings, walls and structures (of certain sizes and heights)
  • Two storey and side extensions
  • Cladding on the exterior of a building
  • Dormer windows and other alterations to the roofs
  • Outbuildings in sensitive locations
  • Satellite dishes and other microwave antenna to buildings in locations that would be visible from the highway

It is worth noting that the permitted development rights legislation is subject to frequent amendment. Further up to date information can be found on the Planning Portal or by contacting the Development Management Team of Cherwell District Council:


Telephone: 01295 227006.

We recommend early discussion with a Conservation Officer through our pre-application service before submitting an application for work in a Conservation Area.

Please contact our Landscape Team to carry out works to trees within a conservation area.