CCTV privacy notice
What is CCTV?
CCTV stands for closed circuit television and is the term used to cover various types of video monitoring, still image capture and security cameras. This information may be about staff, customers and clients, offenders and suspected offenders, members of the public and those inside, entering or in the immediate vicinity of the area under surveillance.
CCTV images, if they show a recognisable person, are considered personal data and are covered by data protection legislation. Anyone who believes that they have been filmed by CCTV is entitled to ask for a copy of the data, subject to exemptions contained in the legislation. They do not have the right of instant access.
Contact details specific to CCTV
Contact us by if you have any questions that are specific to CCTV.
How we use your information for CCTV
The Council operates CCTV to maintain the safety and security of property, premises, and people, and for preventing and investigating crime. It may also be used to monitor staff when carrying out work duties and to assist in connection with disciplinary procedures in cases of serious misconduct.
Who will have access to my personal data?
Images captured by these systems will be monitored in the self-contained and secure security control room or via secure web portal. Access to the security control room is strictly limited to the Facilities Manager, Caretaker and Security Staff and access to the secure web portal restricted to Enforcement Staff. Where necessary or required this information is shared with the data subjects themselves, employees and agents, services providers, police forces, security organisations and persons making an enquiry.
What information is processed?
The information processed may include visual images, personal appearance and behaviours and members of the public going about their daily business.
Retention period
Unless required for an active investigation recorded images will be retained for 30 days after which time the images are automatically deleted or overwritten by the recording equipment. Recordings that are retained as part of an active investigation will be destroyed as soon as they are no longer required to be kept. All media containing images will be securely destroyed at the end of their lifespans.
Summary of rights
You have a number of statutory rights to the information we hold on you, which includes access, these are explained in the “Summary of the data subject’s rights” section of our website.
Alternatively you can request this information by email.
Or by post:
The Information Governance Team,
Cherwell District Council,
Bodicote House,
OX15 4AA