Search planning applications
Search, track and comment on current applications
Search and track
To search our database of planning applications, appeals and Building Control cases you will need an address or the details of the application.
Note: 27/09/2024 - There is currently a intermittent error message that some customers may receive when submitting comments online via the 'Comment on this Application' button.
If this persists, please send your comment either to or direct to the Planning Officer noted on your consultation or notification letter, if you have one.
If you are unable to do this, then please contact the council on 01295 227006, where an alternative solution will be explored.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
Our database allows you to:
- Search for planning applications
- Track the progress of an application
- View scanned application forms, drawings, decision notices and the conditions/reasons for the decision for applications lodged with the Council
- View locations of planning and building control on a map
- Search for appeals lodged and decided
- Comment on pending applications and view officer reports
Comment on a planning application
All representations received must be made available for public inspection, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.
Provision is made within the Data Protection Act 2018 for publishing such information which means that we cannot treat such documentation or representations as confidential.
You will need to include your full name and address in order for your comment to be registered. If you don’t, your comments will be considered anonymous and your views cannot be taken into account.
PLEASE NOTE: Whilst we will redact any information such as telephone numbers and email addresses under Data Protection rules so these are not visible online, your name and address will be published.
Only comments relating to 'material planning considerations' can be taken into account.
Note: We do not enter into individual correspondence about representations on applications but do take account of your comments as part of the process of assessing the application.
Where appropriate we will seek changes to the Planning Application to overcome concerns. If changes are made to the application, we may consult you again.
The report prepared to inform the decision-making process (whether for Committee decisions or an officer delegated decision) summarises all the representations and assesses the issues raised in the context of relevant planning policies.
This report can be viewed on the Planning Applications Register once prepared and we will inform you in writing of the decision reached.
Privacy notice and disclaimer
Privacy notice: find out how we collect, use and share your personal information.