Surveys will need to be carried out during the recognised season (mid-March to mid-June) to confirm the presence of great crested newts. A population size class assessment may also be needed.
When presence of great crested newts is confirmed, details of surveys, mitigation and compensation will need to be submitted and agreed with the council as part of a planning application in order to comply with legislation as well as national and local planning policy.
Planning permission is required before a licence application is made to Natural England.
Once planning permission has been granted, an application will need to be prepared and submitted to Natural England, including details of impacts, mitigation, compensation and monitoring. This would need to demonstrate that compensation will restore, grow or enhance the great crested newt population.
If great crested newts were considered to be absent from a development site, but are then subsequently discovered during construction, all works must cease, and Natural England contacted for advice. A licence application may subsequently need to be submitted to Natural England and granted before works can recommence.