Confirmation of compliance with planning obligations (section 106)
Confirmation of compliance (S106)
It is possible to request written confirmation that a section 106 planning obligation attached to a planning permission has previously been complied with.
Requests for confirmation of compliance with planning obligations must be submitted in writing and provide the following details:
- the planning application number
- the date(s) of the legal agreement(s)
- details of the relevant clauses within the agreement
- a contact address for the applicant
The application fee is £240 (incl. VAT). Please note that the application fee is per site/request and there is no limit to the number of clauses that can be included within each submission.
Applications should be emailed to We will aim to deal with these applications within 4 weeks.
Please Note
Any confirmation given would be without prejudice to any ongoing requirements of a legal agreement (e.g. requirements to use the land in a specified way).
We can only provide confirmation of compliance with regard to planning obligations where the covenant is between the District Council and the landowner/developer. Many section 106 agreements contain covenants between the landowner/developer and Oxfordshire County Council. Oxfordshire County Council should be contacted to confirm compliance with such obligations.
This service does not provide copies of section 106 agreements. Section 106 copy requests should be emailed to
Information on how to obtain planning application numbers can be found on the Planning Register.
Confirmation of compliance with planning conditions can also be requested separately.