Report a breach of planning control
To report a breach of planning control include as much information as possible about the suspected breach:
- as full a description as possible of the activity and its location (if the location is a parcel of land and not a property, it may be helpful to identify the land using What3Words or Google Maps).
- how long you believe the breach has been taking place
- the name or names of the person or persons involved
- advise what harm is being caused, or is likely to be caused, by the breach
Please note, if your alleged breach involves a business operating from a residential property or other change of use, please complete the downloadable observation log for a 7 day period before submitting your complaint.
Report a breach of planning control
Alternatively, you can call 01295 227006 or email with your name and contact details. We will not investigate anonymous reports unless the matter clearly falls within our first priority list as detailed in the local enforcement plan.
We will make every effort, within the legal obligations imposed on us by the Freedom of Information legislation, to ensure that your identity is not disclosed and will let you know the outcome of our investigations. However, if the matter you report to us is one of the very small percentage that require legal action to be taken, it is possible that you will be asked to provide written or oral evidence.
The Health and Safety Executive outlines the duties of a householder when having construction work carried out to their homes. A breach of these would not necessarily be a breach of planning control, but may need reporting to the Health and Safety Executive.