Signature Refresh 2023
Refresh your postal vote signature
The postal vote refresh will start on 13 January 2023, and approximately 1100 electors will receive a letter asking you to update your signature
We are required by law to request a fresh signature once your postal vote application is five years old. This process is in place to ensure the accuracy and security of the absent vote system.
If you do not respond to our initial letter by Friday 3 February 2023, we will send you a reminder. If we still do not receive a response by Friday 3 March 2023, your postal vote will be cancelled. If this happens, you will need to complete a new postal vote application form if you wish to continue voting by post.
If you are no longer able to provide a signature, for example due to a disability, please contact us.
If you wish to cancel your postal vote and vote in person in a polling station, please:
- review the form we have sent to you
- tick the 'I no longer want to vote by post' box within the form
- sign your signature in the space underneath the box
- return the form to us in the prepaid envelope.
- Once we have cancelled your postal vote, we will send you a confirmation letter.
If you wish to discuss this further please contact the team via email or telephone 01295 227005.