Ways to vote

Vote by proxy

If you’re unable to vote in person on polling day, you can appoint someone else to vote on your behalf at your polling station. This is called a proxy.

Your proxy must be 18 years or older and currently registered at an address in the UK, they don’t have to live in same area as you. However, it’s important to remember that your proxy will need to go to the polling station that you would normally vote at in the Cherwell district, and they must show an accepted form of their own photo ID. They cannot vote in any other polling station on your behalf, but, once appointed as your proxy, they are able to apply to vote by post on your behalf. 

From 31 October 2023, a person is not entitled to vote as proxy in any electoral area on behalf of more than four electors. Within the four electors, no more than two electors can be domestic electors. Domestic electors are those electors who are living in the UK.

You can apply online or submit a paper application form. You will need to provide:

  • your name
  • your registered address
  • your national insurance number
  • your date of birth
  • the name and address of the person you want to vote as your proxy
  • your signature - this must be a wet ink (hand-written hard copy) signature - we cannot accept typed electronic signatures

Paper application forms can be scanned or a clear photograph taken and emailed to elections@cherwell-dc.gov.uk  Or you can post your application form to Electoral Office, PO Box 720, Bodicote, Banbury, OX16 6LR.

You can apply for a proxy vote at any time. This can be a permanent proxy for all elections, or just for a particular election. The deadline for making an application for a proxy vote is 5pm, six working days before polling day. However, if you are already registered to vote by post, the deadline to change from a postal vote to a proxy vote is 5pm, 11 working days before polling day.    

*Please note that you can apply online for a proxy vote for a particular election or referendum, or a proxy vote for definite or indefinite period for overseas and service electors. You cannot apply for the following types of proxy vote online but can apply through a paper application: Postal Proxy application; Proxy application for definite or indefinite period due to disability; Proxy application for definite or indefinite period due to employment, service etc.; and Emergency proxy.

Proxy voting by post

If you have been granted a proxy vote but your appointed proxy is unable to attend your designated polling station in the Cherwell district for any reason, they may wish to apply to vote by post on your behalf instead.

If your proxy wants to vote by post on your behalf, they must complete a paper application form. It is not possible to apply for a postal proxy online. Please email elections@cherwell-dc.gov.uk to request an application form.  

The completed application form can be scanned or a clear photograph taken and emailed to elections@cherwell-dc.gov.uk  Or the application form can be sent to: Electoral Office, PO Box 720, Bodicote, Banbury, OX16 6LR. The deadline for a proxy to apply to vote by post on behalf of the person who has appointed them as their proxy is 5pm, 11 working days before polling day.

The deadline for a proxy to apply to vote by post on behalf of the person who has appointed them as their proxy is 5pm, 11 working days before polling day.