Recycling services

Recycling roadshows and visits

Recycling roadshows

The Recycling Team regularly attend events across the district to raise awareness of best practices for recycling and waste management, answering residents’ queries and providing items such as useful leaflets, food caddy liners and products made from recycled materials.

School visits

The Recycling Team offer free school visits. These sessions include a recycling presentation and a visit from our resident recycling mascot Binbo, some free items provided to the children and potentially a chance to see one of our waste and recycling vehicles (depending on access and advice from the school).

You can tailor the visit to your school’s requirements, whether this is simply a presentation during an assembly, or holding multiple interactive sessions with individual year groups.

Recycling presentations

We offer free recycling presentations to groups across the district. Our presentation covers everything from advice and tips on improving recycling with also including information on reducing and re-using, as well as wasting less, looking at how our waste is processed and where it goes.

Make an enquiry or booking

If you would like for the team to undertake any of the above, please complete the form below and we will then be back in contact to discuss further.

Enquiry and booking form