Housing Register 2023/24

An overview of the CDC Housing Register at 1 April 2024

Housing Register

2,871 applications were submitted during 2023/24, a 10% increase on 2022/23.

The total number of applications on the housing register at the end of the year was 1,944 (an increase from 1,917 in 2022/23) and is made up of:

  • 70 Band 1 (urgent need)
  • 722 Band  (significant need)
  • 335 Band 3 (moderate need)
  • 817 Band 4 (low need)

Top 10 reasons for applying

The Top 10 main reasons for applying were the same top 10 as 2022/23 with the top 4 reasons remaining in the same position:

  1. Current accommodation too small
  2. Health issues
  3. Homeless
  4. Other
Those applying due to divorce/separation or pregnancy were lower down in the top 10 than last year, replaced by reasons including financial problems.Top 10 reasons given
1/ Current accommodation too small
2/ Health reasons
3/ Homeless
4/ Other
5/ Financial problems
6/ Divorced or separated
7/ Need affordable accommodation
8/ Pregnant
9/ Family problems
10/ Losing current accommodation

Size of homes required at 2023/24 year end

Those needing 1-bedroom homes make up the highest number of total applications on the housing register at the end of 2023/24.  However, there is a more even spread of sizes required when only looking at those with an identified housing need (Bands 1-3).

  • Band 1: urgent need
  • Band 2: significant need
  • Band 3: moderate need
  • Band 4: low need
Bar chart showing homes required
1 bed 813 homes (429 Bands 1 to3)
2 bed 643 homes (324 bands 1 to3)
3 bed 354 homes (253 bands 1 to 3) and
4 bed+ homes 134 (121 bands 1 to 3)
Table showing change vs 22/23
Bedrooms All bands Bands 1 to 3 only
1 bed 813 (up 14) 429 (up 62)
2 bed 643 (up 12) 324 (up 34)
3 bed 354 (up 1) 253 (up 5)
4 bed 134 (no change) 121 (up 2)
Total 1,944 (up 27) 1,127 (up 103)


Bar chart showing percentage of housing needs met (bands 1 to 3)
1 bed: 45%
2 bed: 75%
3 bed: 39% and
4 bed+: 11%546 homes were let through CDC’s housing register during 2023/24. The same number were let in 2022/23.

When compared with the total number of applicants with an identified housing need (Bands 1-3), these homes met only a small percentage of the overall need.

There was a particular shortage of 4-bedroom homes which met only 11% of the total number of applicants who need these larger homes.


Lettings data table
Size of homes let Number of homes let 2023/24
1 bed 193
2 bed 242
3 bed 98
4 bed 13
Total 546

Size of homes let by band

Most homes during 2023/24 were allocated to applicants in Band 2. Due to the short supply of 4-bedroom homes, there were no 4-bedroom homes allocated to applicants in Bands 3 or 4.


Size of homes data table

Band 1 bed 2 bed 3 bed 4 bed
1 24 9 10 1
2 125 210 85 12
3 31 12 1 0
4 13 11 2 0

Waiting times

View the average waiting time for each applicant who accepted an offer of housing through the housing register during 2023/24. Those who secured a 4-bedroom home waited by far the longest due to the low supply of these larger homes.

  • 1 bed: average of 243 days
  • 2 bed: average of 222 days
  • 3 bed: average of 509 days and
  • 4 bed+ average of 991 days

Accessible housing

Most applicants in need of an accessible home require a 1-bedroom home. However, there are many applicants (44 in total) who require a 3 or 4-bedroom home including those who need this to be fully wheelchair accessible.

Bar chart showing accessibility homes required in 2023/24:
Ground floor bedroom only:
1 bed: 118; 2 bed 39; 3 bed 14; 4 bed 1
Level access shower:
1 bed 134; 2 bed 19; 3 bed 10; 4 bed 10
Wheelchair accessible:
1 bed 10; 2 bed 4; 3 bed 6 and 4 bed 3

Influencing new affordable housing development in 2024/25

During 2024/25 Strategic Housing will typically seek to secure the following mix of affordable housing on new build development through engagement with planning applications.

This is broadly in line with the Oxfordshire Housing and Economic Needs Assessment 2022 and will help address the short supply of larger affordable homes which have resulted in long waiting times for housing register applicants:

  • 1 bed: 20 to 25%
  • 2 bed: 25 to 30%
  • 3 bed: 35 to 40%
  • 4 bed+: 10 to 15%

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