Consultation now closed
We are producing a new Local Plan to meet Cherwell’s needs, protect its environment and secure sustainable development. The consultation draft of the Cherwell Local Plan Review 2040 was prepared to prompt discussion and feedback on new planning policies to guide the delivery of sustainable development across the district.
The consultation took place between Friday, 22 September 2023 and Friday, 3 November 2023.
Comments submitted will now be considered alongside our technical work to develop a proposed Plan which will be made available for comment next year.
The draft Plan is supported by a number of supporting documents and technical evidence which are available here. You may also find our list of Frequently Asked Questions useful.

Summary and Introduction
The statutory starting point for making planning decisions, providing a vision and a policy framework for future development.
Plan, vision
and objectives
More details about our plan and vision for Cherwell 2040, including our objectives and how we aim to achieve them.
Our draft strategy encompasses what we are seeking to deliver to achieve our vision and objectives for Cherwell.