Records starting with B
- Banbury Calthorpe
- Banbury Calthorpe and Easington
- Banbury Cross and Neithrop
- Banbury Grimsbury and Castle
- Banbury Grimsbury and Hightown
- Banbury Hardwick
- Banbury Hardwick
- Banbury Ruscote
- Banbury Ruscote
- Banbury Town Council - Calthorpe North
- Banbury Town Council - Calthorpe South
- Banbury Town Council - Easington North
- Banbury Town Council - Easington South
- Banbury Town Council - Grimsbury
- Banbury Town Council - Hardwick East
- Banbury Town Council - Hardwick West
- Banbury Town Council - Neithrop North
- Banbury Town Council - Neithrop South
- Banbury Town Council - Park Road
- Banbury Town Council - Ruscote
- Banbury Town Council - Town Centre
- Bicester East
- Bicester North
- Bicester North and Caversfield
- Bicester South and Ambrosden
- Bicester Town
- Bicester Town Council - East
- Bicester West
- Bicester West
- Bloxham and Easington