Elections 2021 - Police and Crime Commissioner - Cherwell

Record details

Division or Ward
Local result for Cherwell District Area
Election date
Thursday 6 May 2021
Count date
Monday 10 May 2021

Statement of First Preference Votes (Cherwell Voting Area)

The total number of ballot papers verified 42,946
The total number of rejected ballot papers 1,078
The total number of valid first preference votes 41,863

The total number of valid first preference votes cast for each of the candidates is as follows:

Candidate Description/Political Party Votes Eliminated
BARBER, Matthew David The Conservative Party Candidate 19,252  
CARTER, Laetisia Labour and Co-operative Party 10,772  
HOWSON, John Orrell Liberal Democrats 6,369 Eliminated
ROBINSON, Alan Gordon Independent 5,470 Eliminated

Statement of Second Preference Votes (Cherwell Voting Area)

Candidate Description/Political Party Votes
BARBER, Matthew David The Conservative Party Candidate 2,813
CARTER, Laetisia Labour and Co-operative Party 3,697

The total number of second preference votes cast for eliminated candidates is as follows:

Eliminated candidates 4227
Turnout (per cent)
28.26 %
Rejected Ballot Papers

The total number of ballot papers rejected at the first count is as follows:

Want of an official mark 0
Voting for more than one candidate as to the first preference vote 396
Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0
Unmarked as to the first preference vote 538
Void for uncertainty as to the first preference vote 144
Total 1,078

The total number of ballot papers rejected at the second count is as follows:

Want of an official mark 0
Voting for more than one candidate as to the second preference vote 3
Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0
Unmarked as to the second preference vote 1,098
Void for uncertainty as to the second preference vote 2
Total 1,103