Consultation now closed
We are producing a new Local Plan to meet Cherwell’s needs, protect its environment and secure sustainable development. The consultation draft of the Cherwell Local Plan Review 2042 was prepared following consultation and representations made on the Cherwell Local Plan Review 2040.
The consultation was held on Thursday, 19 December 2024 – Tuesday, 25 February 2025.
All representations received will be submitted to the Secretary of State for consideration as part of the Local Plan examination. We do not make significant changes to the Plan after we have received your comments. Instead they are considered by the appointed Planning Inspector.
Dates of the examination will be advised when known.

The Local Plan will guide our decisions on planning applications and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. It is a Plan to meet our development needs, to respond to climate change, to protect the environment and to support our local economy and communities.
The Plan sets out a vision and proposes homes, employment land, infrastructure and other essential services required to support the local community over the plan period.
In making your comments we would like you to consider whether the Plan is ‘sound’ and whether it complies with the necessary legal requirements for plan making. The Planning Inspectorate has produced a useful guide to making representations at this stage of the plan making process. Our guide is also available to view.
All representations received will be submitted to the Secretary of State for consideration as part of the Local Plan examination. We do not make significant changes to the Plan after we have received your comments. Instead they are considered by the appointed Planning Inspector.
Statement following publication of the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) on 12 December 2024.
The new NPPF includes transitional arrangements for local plans that are at an advanced stage like ours.
We are publishing this proposed submission (Regulation 19) Local Plan under the transitional arrangements set out in paragraph 234(a) of the revised NPPF.
In accordance with paragraph 234(a), the housing requirement in the Local Plan meets at least 80% of local housing need.
The local housing need figure, calculated in accordance with the Planning Practice Guidance published on 12 December 2024, is 1118 dwellings per year. The housing requirement in the Local Plan is 911 dwellings per year. That is 81.5% of the local housing need figure. Pursuant to paragraph 235, this will mean that the Cherwell Local Plan Review 2042 will be examined under the December 2023 version of the National Planning Policy Framework.
A foreword from Cllr Jean Conway, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Development Management.
We would like your views on a new Local Plan for Cherwell District before we submit it to the Secretary of State for independent examination.
This is a statutory Plan to guide our decisions on planning applications and to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development.

The Cherwell Local Plan is a land use or spatial plan which sets out a vision and strategy to meet Cherwell’s needs, protect its environment and secure sustainable development
Plan, vision
and objectives
More details about our plan and vision for Cherwell 2042, including our objectives and how we aim to achieve them.

Our Strategy
for Development
Our spatial strategy delivers our vision and objectives for Cherwell. It Is implemented through the area strategies and policies that follow.
Banbury Area
In 2042 Banbury will continue to be a thriving, historic market town and an important economic and social focus for its residents, visitors, for business and for a large rural hinterland.
Area Strategy
In 2042, Bicester will continue to be a thriving historic market town and an important economic and social focus for its residents, visitors, and for business.
Area Strategy
In 2042 the Kidlington area will continue to be an attractive place to live, visit
and invest:

Heyford Park
Area Strategy
Heyford Park will continue to make a significant contribution to delivering homes and jobs in Cherwell during the lifetime of this Plan.
Rural Areas
There is a need for some limited housing and employment development at our larger and more sustainable villages to help sustain local services and enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities.
the Plan
This Plan sets out how the district will develop over the plan period to 2042, identifying where homes, jobs, services and infrastructure will be delivered, and the types of distinctive and characterful places that the Plan would like to create.
Appendices to the
Local Plan 2042
You can view or download all Appendices relating to the Local Plan 2042 review.
Core documents
- Statement of Representation Procedure
- Cherwell Local Plan Review 2042 Proposed Submission (December 2024)
- Cherwell Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal (December 2024)
- Cherwell Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Non Technical Summary (December 2024)
- Habitats Regulation Assessment (November 2024)
- Interim Duty to Cooperate Statement (December 2024)
- Health and Equalities Impact Assessment (November 2024)
- Representations to the Cherwell Local Plan Review Consultation Draft (Reg 18) (22 September 2023 - 3 November 2023)
- Statement of Consultation (December 2024)
Monday 20 January 2025 from 3:00pm to 7:00pm
- Kidlington Exeter Hall, Oxford Rd, Kidlington, OX5 1AB
Friday 24 January 2025 from 3:00pm to 7:00pm
- Bicester Littlebury Hotel, Kings End, Bicester, OX26 6DR
Tuesday 28 January 2025 from 2:00pm to 5:15pm
- Woodstock Community Centre, 32 New Road, Woodstock, OX20 1PB
Saturday 8 February 2025 from 11:00am to 3:00pm
- Lock 29, Castle Quay Waterfront, Castle St, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 5UN